The Colorful Crown of Mexican Music: Mariachi Hats

The Colorful Crown of Mexican Music: Mariachi Hats

Mariachi hats, are an important part of the mariachi musicians’ culture and history, contributing to their vibrant and charismatic show.

Did you know their roots? Mariachi music was born in western Mexico, in the state of Jalisco. The traditional mariachi hat evolved alongside the music itself. In the beginning it was initially influenced by the hats worn by Mexican cowboys and farmers, then mariachi hats started to be more elaborate as mariachi music began to have popularity.

These creative hats are decorated with extravagant ornamental decorations, that are not just for the appearance, they represent the rich cultural heritage of Mexico, making the hat a must in the performance.

The mariachi hat is usually worn as a part of a traditional charro suit, being a beautiful complement to the outfit. This combination of mariachi hat and charro, showcases the pride and professionalism of mariachi musicians.

The image of the mariachi musician was popularized by Hollywood films and Mexican cinema, bringing distinctive looks to the outfit. Thanks to this exposure, it became a recognizable symbol of Mexican culture, worldwide. Nowadays, they are worn around the world at parties, weddings, and public celebrations.

Wear more than just an accessory, wear a piece of Mexico’s heart and soul, supporting also fair trade work. 

31st May 2024 Michel Kessler

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